Album Recording Contribution
I am constantly working on my music.
Currently as of 2024, I have 4-5 full length albums in the works, with two albums currently being recorded.
In 2024-5 I will be recording a Rock Opera album consisting of 17 original songs all threading together to tell a very personal story of trauma, survival and rebellion. If you are interested in supporting this project and helping complete it, feel free to reach out by email and contribute via Venmo, Cashapp, Zelle etc, and put in a note saying that its for the Rock Opera.
The total cost to record, mix and complete the Rock Opera will be $10,000. If no one contributes, I will be covering this myself over time, but contributions are massively appreciated.
All contributors will have their name on the Album credits as a major contributor and will receive a free download of the Album sent directly to their email.
In addition to the Rock Opera, I also have a second full length album being recorded.
This album is also a personal one, but it is an explicit Rated R album meant only to be heard by adults. This album will be called Goth Chicks, Boots & Whips. It is a love letter album for strong women. Each song on this album was written from the heart for very special women in my life.
In addition to these albums currently being recorded, I am also working on 1 or 2 albums of original songs. Also, in December 2022, I released my cover album Subway Standards 1, and I am already beginning to prepare for its sequel Subway Standards 2.
If you would like to help create this albums, I would appreciate that so tremendously. All contributors will have their names on the album credits, and will get first invites to larger performances.
Thank you so much for your extended interest in my music!